Mrs Tracy Winde
We are thrilled to announce that Iris House has our first official Patron, Mrs Tracy Winde, a former Iris House volunteer Carer and board advisor. Tracy was our very first volunteer Carer when we started out in 2011. Her beautiful, caring , empathetic nature was perfectly aligned with the charity’s vision of free quality care for special needs children and their families . As board advisor, Tracy’s calm, focussed, positive input and suggestions were always very appreciated at every board meeting.
Founder and CEO Sue van der Linde often sought her council and advice on matters relating to the sustainability of the free service Iris House provides to life-threatened and life-limited children and their families. In the interests of integrity and transparency, Tracy took the decision to step away from the board after her husband, Alan Winde, was elected Western Cape Premier. We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank Tracy for the eight years of dedicated service she has already served for Iris House and welcome her wholeheartedly and with a huge sense of pride as our Patron. Thank you, Tracy, for stepping into this important role for our charity. We are honoured to have you help us to shine a light on the unique needs and challenges of special needs children and their families in the Western Cape and to help Iris House to continue to grow and sustain it’s important and unique role within the special needs community.
What is a patron? A Patron is a person honoured as a special supporter of an
organisation, using their public profile and connections to promote the growth and
awareness of a special cause through media coverage and donations.