
Carer Training

Iris House has developed its own training program specifically designed for carers working with special needs individuals. The comprehensive two-day training takes place on Fridays and Saturdays, covering essential theoretical knowledge to ensure the highest standards of care. Subsequently, participants are required to undergo practical training in our hospice and community settings, under the guidance of a senior carer or nurse.

Upon demonstrating competence, carers are granted the autonomy to conduct sits and hospice sessions independently. It is important to note that the timeframe for achieving this level of competency may vary depending on the individual carer and could take up to six weeks. As part of their training, carers also receive level one first aid certification and are provided with uniforms, toy boxes, and care bags to assist them in their duties.

Parent Carer Training

Iris House runs a free two-day course for Iris House parents covering the following:

  • Self-care
  • Time Management
  • Future planning
  • Budgeting
  • Selecting schools / residential facilities
  • Coping mechanisms

Medical Training covering children’s conditions 

Our registered staff nurse is available via our support groups and for one2one training with parents. Nurse Michaels can assist you with advice regarding Autism, Cerebral Palsy, and syndromes. Contact our nurse on her email 

Social Media Training for Charities 

Iris House in partnership with The Skills Train has developed a social media marketing training program that empowers charities to take advantage of social media to raise awareness and funding. This is a two-day course and the cost is R850 per person. Each course runs with +- 12 delegates, it is hands-on, practical, and concludes with delegates putting together their own social media marketing strategy for implementation –  Price includes lunch, workbook, and certificate. For booking enquires please email

Coaching for Charities 

Iris House in partnership with The Skills Train offers NPO’s a coaching package “As the founder and CEO of Iris House Children’s  Hospice. I have experienced many things I originally knew nothing about. Over the years I have gathered much leaning and wisdom. My background in marketing and training has put me in a unique position to assist other new and struggling NPO’s” For booking enquires please email