Nomaindia and Esona

A mother of four, Nomaindia embodies strength, courage and perseverance. The story of Her strength and vigour although superhuman, is not unique, it is commonly shared by all mother’s,parents and families of children with disabilities. Her story started with concerns...

Mathew Smith

Mathews Story… My journey with Mathew started when he was two years old when a paediatrician said he was PDD-NOS. No explanation and no details at all on what it is and what I should do. At a later stage, I tried to get details myself and found out it was Autism. I...

Michael Rademeyer

Michael is n jong seun wat hierdie jaar in Matriek moes wees, ,maar na aanleiding van n hartaanval op 18 Augustus 2012, het sy en sy hele familie se lewens en lewensstyl heeltemal verander. Neem asb n oomblik van U tyd om hierdie gebeurtenis te lees, want selfs net n...

Ruan Belcher

Having a special needs child is “special” to say the least. Whilst the child deals with whatever challenges he or she may have, their parents have huge challenges to ensure that the child receives the best possible treatment during their life-threatened or...